quarta-feira, 16 de março de 2011

Itamar Massacre Victims Expelled from Gush Katif in 'Peace Plan’

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

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Rabbi Udi and Ruth Fogel and three of their six children were expelled from Gush Katif in 2005 as part of then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's plan to end the same terror that cruelly ended their lives in the brutal massacre Friday night in Samaria.

They were forced out of Netzarim in central Gaza, re-located to Ariel in Samaria along with other expellees. Two years ago, they moved to Itamar, where Rabbi Fogel, a former IDF tank unit officer, taught in the post-high school yeshiva there, in charge of students who had completed their IDF service and returned to Torah study.

In an interview with Israel National News last year, they spoke of the new lives in Itamar, which Ruth Fogel said is an open, unassuming community that accepted them immediately with love. She held one of her children on her lap, telling the interviewer that this is a natural way for him to get to know her.

Ruth Fogel’s father is Rabbi Yehuda Ben Yishai, of the Machon Meir yeshiva in Jerusalem.

Click here for photos of the murder victims that were released by the Fogel family, who gave full permission for their use in order to report on the horrific reality of murdering children and babies in their sleep "simply because they are Jewish." Warning: These photos are extremely graphic and not intended for children.


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